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Ce va fi nou la Congresul ESC Keith AA Fox Analiza fluxului sanguin la nivelul arterelor coronare neresponsabile în sindromul coronarian acut la pacienții unicoronarieni tratați prin angioplastie coronariană R. Chreih, D. Deleanu, Carmen Ginghină Almanac cardiologie intervențională P. Meier, A. Timmis Noncompactarea de ventricul stâng Mihaela Rugină, L. Predescu, Mihaela Sălăgean, I. Coman, Ș. Bubenek-Turconi Hipertensiunea pulmonară cronică postembolică, date actuale și direcții viitoare Moartea subită cardiacă- o realitate în practica cardiologică curentă Meda Maria Angheluş Coronarografie: Tromb și spasm sever într-un caz de infarct miocardic acut E.

Boțu, A, Negoiță, M. Postu, D. Iacob, C. Călin, Carmen Ginghină, B. Popescu Actualităţi în cardiologie Actualizarea ghidului de management al fibrilaţiei atriale al Societăţii Europene de Cardiologie Calendarul manifestărilor științifice cardiologice Instrucţiuni pentru autori Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. For our pa tients, the interaction of cardiac conditions with other organs is fundamentally important to outcome, to safety and to clinical management.

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Related specialty areas have much to learn from each other and the ESC Congress will attract specialists from other organ systems to help understand disease mechanisms and improve the management of our patients. A personalised al harrington family guy dating online interactive congress At ESC Congress we can each develop a personalised curriculum, depending on specialty interests and training viteză datând din zona houston. This is a truly international meeting - the largest number of abstract submissions were from Japan!

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We have joint sessions with many societies around the world and 16 linked sessions and direct opportunities to interact with experts and thought leaders.

Also for the first time, poster presentations will be stimulated by discussants who are experts in that field of investigation.

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There is huge and international enthusiasm for participation in the congress with a record number of submissions for scientific planned sessions more than were selected and the second highest ever number of abstracts were submitted 10, Thus, a village Figure 1.

Discussions around a poster at ESC Congress.


Through the village concept the congress becomes more manageable and interactive. Important new guide lines will be presented at the ESC Congress on arterial hypertension, cardiac pacing, diabetes, and sta ble coronary artery disease.

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Linked to these will be de dicated scientific sessions, case based Focus Sessions. Figure 2. Round table discussions at ESC. Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. The ESC Congress provides the opportunity to decide what may influence understanding of innovations and practice at a national level.

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Editors of National Society Cardiovascular journals are provided with the Hotline presentations and the Hotline extracts can be translated and printed in local cardiovascular journals. The ESC Congress is the largest cardiovascular international congress and its true international nature provides exciting and innovative opportunities to discuss and interact with colleagues from all around the world. You have the choice: be part of the frontiers in cardiology and practice, or be an observer!

Chreih 1,3D.

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Deleanu 2Carmen Ginghină 2,3 Article received on the 15 th of March Article accepted on the 31 st of May Abstract: Premises — Coronary flow on non-culprit coronary arteries in Acute Coronary Syndrome patients that underwent coronary angioplasty offers important information on global myocardial integrity. Material and methods — For this study the coronary flow on non-culprit coronary arteries in Acute Coronary Syndrome patients patients — Case Group was analyzed and was compared to the coronary flow in non-coronary patients that underwent coronary angiography patients — Control Group.

Results — The comparative analysis of the coronary flow on non-culprit arteries and of the coronary flow on normal coronary arteries the following results were obtained: 8. Conclusions — The study proved that coronary flow is significantly slower on non-culprit coronary arteries in Acute Coronary Syndrome al harrington family guy dating online on normal coronary arteries in non-coronary patients, when analyzing all three coronary arteries together as well as when separately analyzing each of the three coronary arteries.

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The slower coronary flow on non-culprit coronary arteries in Acute Coronary Syndrome patients is a proof of global myocardial suffering. Material și metode — În cadrul acestui studiu am analizat fluxul sanguin la nivelul arterelor coronare neresponsabile de Sindromul Coronarian Acut la pacienți unicoronarieni pacienți — grupul Caz și am comparat acest flux cu fluxul coronar al pacienților non-coronarieni care au fost supuși coronarografiei în cadrul protocolului preoperator pacienți — grupul Control.

Rezultate — La analiza comparativă a fluxului coronarian pentru arterele neimplicate în Sindromul Coronarian Acut și pentru arterele coronare normale angiografic se obțin rezultatele: 8, ± 2, vs.

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Chreih et al. Coronary flow on non-culprit arteries in Acute Coronary Syndrome The current study was triggered by the noticing of the existence of patients in which the myocardial impairment in ACS is proportional with the area irrigated by the culprit artery, patients that show a mismatch between the successful coronary angioplasty and the less than favorable post-procedural evolution.

Coronary angiography and angioplasty procedures took place in the interventional cardiology department. Thus, patients admitted with ACS and treated with coronary angioplasty and stenting were recruited. These patients formed the Case group. There are cases, for instance left coronary main stem lesions or proximal lesions, in which the operator might use diaphragms that may care improve lesion image, but that interfere with distal segment visualization.

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Although this objective might seem easy obtainable, there are cases in which the operator must use lower recording frequencies: patients that for different reasons must receive the minimal irradiating dose or technical limitations that impose lower recording frequencies. Also, antegrade flow certifies that he analyzed flow is the flow originated directly from contrast injection, any retrograde flow phenomenon being the consequence of collateral circulation influence on the flow in the analyzed artery, and, by consequence a bias in flow calculation.

Share 12 shares 'This is ultimately very counter productive because the anxiety produces alert hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that will keep you awake,' she continued. Over time if the condition isn't managed a person can become hyper-alert and struggle with large spells of insomnia.

Otherwise, coronary flow analysis for non-culprit vessel might be compromised by hemodynamic phenomena that occur after angioplasty hyperemia, etc. Exclusion criteria for these were: Coronary impairment or pectoral angina history Multi-vessel Acute Coronary Syndrome.
