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Slavic Paleography

Tartaria tablets cfr. Por ejemplo, en la obra Archaeology of the World, editada por The Times, se dice en la página "La escritura fue inventada, con el fin de realizar anotaciones comerciales, en Oriente Medio a finales del cuarto milenio aC.

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Y lo que es más significativo: ha desplazado su origen desde un lugar central en la evolución de la civilización Mesopotamiahasta un emplazamiento secundario, e incluso alphabet dating f, como son los Balcanes.

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Pero hasta hace poco era un lugar común pensar que la escritura pudo nacer únicamente en los lugares de vanguardia del mundo antiguo: es decir, en Oriente Medio, el Indo o, a lo sumo, en China. Y desde luego, no en una edad tan temprana. Las tabletas inscritas de Tartaria localizadas en en la localidad transilvana homónimafueron consideradas por su descubridor N.

Vlassa un indicio de un rito sacrificial.

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Más adelante se pensó que podrían tener una conexión con los primeros ejemplos de escritura mesopotámica. Pero esta hipotética relación es improbable, teniendo en cuenta que ¡las tabletas rumanas preceden a las sumerias en milenios! Éstos no son los únicos restos de pre-escritura calcolítica encontrados hasta la fecha: nótese la "placa Gradesnica", datada entre el y el aC. Una cosa está clara: las placas inscritas de la llamada "cultura Vinca" de los Balcanes, entre las que encontramos las placas de Gradesnica y la citada tableta de Tartaria, parecen tener una significación religiosa, no económica como es el caso de la escritura sumeriaal igual que los primeros ejemplos de escritura china sobre hueso o sobre caparazones de tortuga.

Como estos últimos, podrían expresar oráculos o mensajes ceremoniales.

Slavic Paleography

Existen algunos estudiosos que han relacionado dichos signos con otros repartidos por el Mediterráneo. El egiptólogo Flinders Petrie llegó a proponer que éstos podrían constituir una "lingua franca" del entorno mediterráneo, y que dadas sus similitudes formales podrían estar detrás de la invención de la primera escritura ideográfica en el Próximo Oriente. Marco Merlini Italy Inscriptions and messages of the Balkan-Danube script a semiotic approach Daniela Bulgarelli is the author of the paintings appearing on the study.

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Characteristics of the signs of which the alphabet dating f composed 2. A few have been traced out in a clear-cut manner, follow precise standard shapes and have well defined outlines.

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Others are carelessly made, have less certain silhouettes and are poorly marked, follow their model with difficulty and are superposed by lines resembling ligatures. The information which each one of these actually communicated was, however, a specific one and had a univocal meaning.

The signs of the proto-European script, when compared to other archaic writings, are characterised by a high degree of stylisation and by having a rectilinear shape, due to the need of their being incised mechanically onto terracotta by means of a pointed stone or bone. According to Haarmann's inventory there were 10 basic signs that created new individual signs by undergoing simple or complex variations, and another which remained unaltered.

These root-signs express most of the basic geometric forms and they continued to be used until the classical Greek period.

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Core signs of the Old European Script by Gimbutas 2. The first consists of their multiple variations, since they were modified by adding small graphic markers which almost never appear as independent signs. These markers could be parallel to each other, crossed or superimposed by one, two, or three small strokes, but there were also small crosses, dots and arches.

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They could also be duplicated-multiplied or inverted. The sophisticated principle of the multiple variation for creating derivative signs characterises other writing systems, but was used for the first time in proto-European script. Second, the alphabet dating f could be duplicated-multiplied or inverted-contrasted, creating more complex shapes.

By varying and repeating-inverting-contrasting the root-signs, the repertory of the proto-European script came to contain individual signs. The abstract religious symbols often appear coupled with writing signs and constitute a few of the basic forms of the latter.

The two levels of sacred communication abstract symbols and writing signs were used together on the same votive objects.


They should not however be confused with each other. First, the writing signs are more numerous than the religious symbols. Second, only the writing signs can be modified and multiplied by adding small strokes, arches or crosses; the religious iconography never changes its basic shape.
