Parteneriatul vs dating. Întâlniri vs relații - 8 diferențe subtile despre care nu știai niciodată | Dragoste | June

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parteneriatul vs dating

Are you ready? A Relationship consists of two people with mutual feelings, affections and love for each other, while a Situationship consists of two people who want different things from each other; with one party imposing love and affection on the other.

In Relationships, both parties are on the same page on where the relationship is headed, while in Situationships, both parties are usually not on the same page on where they are headed.

parteneriatul vs dating

In a Relationship, you wake up to either a phone call parteneriatul vs dating text message from your partner. In a Relationship, you can go for hours talking to your partner about the future and random things but never get tired, while in Situationships, they hardly stay talking for too long.

parteneriatul vs dating

In a Relationship, your partner makes deliberate efforts to meet your needs or be of support to you however way he or she can, while in a Situationship, you are left to carry all your burdens alone without your partner seeing the need to come to your aid.

Relationship fills you up with joy, laughter and happiness, while Situationship drains the slightest happiness in you. Relationship is fulfilling, while Situationship is exhausting.

parteneriatul vs dating

Relationship gives willingly and is sacrificial, while Situationship withholds and restrains. Relationship is fueled by Love for one matrimoniale tulcea barbati, while Situationship is mostly fueled by Lust for one another.

parteneriatul vs dating

Written by Sonia Okehie.
